Monday, June 30, 2014

Is Facebook Password Hacker v2.9.8 Real?

As you may already be aware, there are a number of scams online that claim to offer various hacking tools capable of hacking Facebook passwords. It is quite hard for the average Internet user to weed out the scamers from the reputable companies offering tools that actually work. I created this blog in order to help people interested in hacking online account passwords better select the tools they need to accomplish their goals. One such tool in particular is Facebook Password Hacker. I am often asked by visitors of this blog whether Facebook Password Hacker v2.9.8 is real or not. The short answer is yes, Facebook Password Hacker is real but I would urge you to read my full review of Facebook Password Hacker v2.9.8 before using it as there are a couple of things you should be aware of. You can read my review by clicking on the link below:

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Is Account Hacker v3.9.9 a Scam?

After publishing my review on Account Hacker v3.9.9, a multi-purpose hacking tool, I am receiving emails almost daily from people asking me whether Account Hacker v3.9.9 is a scam or not. In my review of Account Hacker v3.9.9, I download the hacking tool, installed it on my computer and proceeded to actually hack someone's email password with it. I can thus safely say that Account Hacker v3.9.9 is not a scam. I would urge you however to read my full review of Account Hacker v3.9.9 in order to fully understand what this hacking tool is actually capable of. You can read my review by visiting the link below:

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Facebook Password Hacker v2.9.8 Review

Introduction to Facebook Password Hacker v2.9.8

Prior to reviewing/testing Facebook Password Hacker it's important to take a look at what it's developers claim it to be. According to Facebook Password Hacker's website (, Facebook Password Hacker is a free Facebook hacking tool that can be used by anyone to successfully hack Facebook passwords. It is time now to test the veracity of these claims!

Testing Facebook Password Hacker v2.9.8

The first step towards actually using and reviewing Facebook Password Hacker v2.9.8 is to download the Facebook hacking tool. This is very easy to do, I simply clicked on one of the many download buttons I found as can be seen below:

This started the download process which was fairly brief as Facebook Password Hacker is quite nimble in size. The download took less than 30 seconds on my broadband connection.

Hacking Facebook Passwords With Facebook Password Hacker v2.9.8

After the download was complete, I proceeded to install the Facebook hacking tool on my computer system. The installation process was quick, easy and straightforward. At the end I was prompted to run Facebook Password Hacker which I did. Once Facebook Password Hacker was executed, I was greeted by it's main control panel which I have to admit didn't look to intimidating even to a non tech savvy person like me. I followed the easy instructions and typed my target's Facebook profile ID in the appropriate box. I then clicked on the recover password button and waited for the results...


After waiting some time, I was presented with the target account's password. I thus conclude this review of Facebook Password Hacker v2.9.8 by stating that Facebook Password Hacker is fully functional.

Problems & Misrepresentations 

Even though Facebook Password Hacker did successfully hack the Facebook password I wanted I found a major misrepresentation made by the developers of this Facebook hacking tool. Whereas the developers state on their homepage ( that Facebook Password Hacker is capable of hacking a Facebook password in under 2 minutes, it took me about a quarter of an hour. After conducting repeated tests with other accounts, I found that the average time it took to hack a Facebook password was roughly 15 to 20 minutes.


To conclude this review, I would say that I recommend Facebook Password Hacker v2.9.8 to anyone interested in hacking Facebook passwords as it has proven itself to actually work.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Does Account Hacker v3.9.9 Actually Work?

A question on the minds of many people looking to hack online account passwords is whether a particularly popular hacking tool called Account Hacker v3.9.9 actually works or not. I have already reviewed Account Hacker on this blog and have posted my opinion. The short answer to the question of whether Account Hacker v3.9.9 actually works is yes, it does. I urge you however to read my extensive review on this hacking tool in order to better understand it's abilities and some of it's limitations. You can read my review by clicking on the link below: