Friday, May 9, 2014

Instagram Hacker v3.7.2 Review

Instagram Hacker v3.7.2 Review - A Real Tool or a Scam?

Instagram Hacker v3.7.2 has risen to prominence on the Internet as its one of the few Instagram hacking tools available for download by anyone interested in hacking Instagram passwords. But is Instagram Hacker v3.7.2 for real or is it just another elaborate scam or hoax? That's the reason I am making this review of Instagram Hacker v3.7.2, I want to shed some light on this shady business of Instagram password hacking and perhaps help some people along the way!

Step 1: Download Instagram Hacker v3.7.2

In order to make this review of Instagram Hacker v3.7.2 I had to get my hands on a copy of the hacking tool. This was easy, I just visited it's homepage - and clicked on one of the download buttons I found there.

This started the download process which finished pretty quickly due to Instagram Hacker's small file size. After the download was complete, I installed the hacking software on my computer system. The installation process was easy and quick, similar to the installation process of most modern programs.

Hacking Instagram Passwords

After the installation process was completed, I executed Instagram Hacker and was greeted by it's main control panel. Instagram Hacker's control panel is pretty straightforward, there are only 2 things with which it's user interacts, an input box where the target Instagram profile is placed and a "Recover Password" button that the user must click in order to start the Instagram password hacking process. I typed into the box my target Instagram profile and clicked on the "Recover Password" button. This started the password hacking process as can be seen below:


Here comes the good part! After about 10 minutes Instagram Hacker v3.7.2 did yield the desired Instagram profile password I asked it to hack. Below however I list a couple of things you should be aware of before choosing Instagram Hacker v3.7.2.

Important Things to Know

1)First problem I encountered with Instagram Hacker v3.7.2 is the fact that even though it is advertised as a free Instagram hacking tool, only the trial version is free. In order to actually view Instagram passwords hacked by Instagram Hacker v3.7.2 the user must pay a small fee.

2)The second thing you should be aware of while hacking Instagram passwords through Instagram Hacker v3.7.2 is that even though it's homepage ( claims it can hack an Instagram password in under 2 minutes, the actual time it takes is closer to 15 minutes. This is not really an issue unless you're interested in hacking a large number of accounts.


I conclude this review of Instagram Hacker v3.7.2 by stating that it is a fully functional and legitimate Instagram hacking tool.